Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Brief update and a video

Ok, it's been ages since I've updated, but really -- keeping up with a toddler is hard!!

Owen is growing up so fast. He knows *so* many words and names these days, and is getting better at using them: One coping mechanism I've been encouraging is when we have to leave (e.g., to go to daycare) I have him say 'bye-bye' to whatever he was playing with (e.g., 'bye-bye 'uzzles' or 'bye-bye book'). It seems to work very well at helping him deal with the transition, and he's even started saying bye-bye to random things out of nowhere when he gets a little upset (car rides are often full of pitiful 'bye-bye, dada's, which is a little sad, but better to listen to than screaming/crying!)

I'll try over the next few weeks to get more videos of him talking. It's darn hard, though; he seems to clam up immediately when the camera is on! But toddle-ease is pretty much the cutest thing ever, and I want to share it with those of you who aren't local :)

Here's a video from the other day (taken with my phone). He was across the table playing with his train when he remembered the picture of pop-pop (my dad) sitting on the other side. He also thinks it's Nik sitting in the picture with my dad, when actually it's Daniel (my cousin). Pretty darn cute, I'd say!