Tuesday, September 29, 2009

belly pic, 36 weeks

Here is another requisite belly pic. I am feeling rather huge.

I've gotten as many dipes as I can fit into my small set of drawers, so I guess I have to stop buying them :) They're all washed and prepped and ready to go, and sorted by type to help out daddy and Heidi know which kinds are which. I'm sure we won't stay this organized for long, though!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

nesting, part 1

Okay, so apparently my 'nesting' response has been to want to make things for baby (ok, that and the crazy diaper obsession...). I'll post some pics on here eventually of the things I've made/am making, but for now check out my ravelry site (which has 1 pic as well as links to what I'm making if they turn out perfectly): http://www.ravelry.com/projects/mrosehughes

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Baby shower!

Brad and I had our coed baby shower last Sunday (just now getting around to blogging about it!) It was a lot of fun, and great to see family and friends and share a day celebrating Baby.

We had a 'cloth diapering challenge', where folks each got to try their hand at diapering a doll in an old-school prefold (snappied) with a cover. These aren't the diapers we're mainly going to use, but I thought it might be entertaining to see people try their hand with old style cloth diapers. Dad and Walden were pretty funny :)

Brad and Zach were also entertaining. Brad managed to cut his finger on the snappi, so we're definitely not going to use that style... (or at least, he won't) The winner of the challenge was the mom currently diapering her little boy, which shows there's no substitute for experience!

We got some very cute toys, including a giant Mr. Potato Head with an entire family of Potato heads inside his belly. This was a big hit with the boys at the shower (Nik, Thomas, and Daniel) so I'm sure it will be a hit with Baby once he gets a chance to try it!

The funniest thing about the shower is that somehow nearly half of our guests managed to get us the same card, so we kept opening the card and recognizing it :) Apparently it was the only funny one they had.

It's a guide to communicating with baby. The good thing is we have enough now to keep one in every room for easy reference when baby arrives :)

Thanks to everyone who managed to come last weekend, and a special thanks to Heidi for planning it :) Lots of fun!