It's been a while since I've updated, and there's lots to share (I definitely have some videos and photos to post at some point), but for now I'll just write about the past few weeks as I can remember it and post a video I took with my phone the other day.
Owen is getting big, fast, and is now full-on crawling, and even trying to cruise a bit. It seems like he's been teething for the past 6 months, and has gotten the two teeth on either side of his two front teeth (and he's had the bottom ones for a while). The top tooth on the upper right is visible beneath the skin, so it'll be through any day now. His poor little mouth hurts him a lot these days, but now when he bites us to relieve the pressure he draws blood!
He is still mostly just jabbering away; I can rarely tell what his words are although I do think there are a few things he says that have meaning to him. He definitely knows the words 'cat' and 'dog', though, which in his version are 'at' and 'dah' -- when I ask him if he can see the cat/dog he looks around (and stops whenever there is a one within eyesight, which is often at my house). I'm also fairly sure he knows the word 'eat', which comes as no surprise to anyone who's had a meal with him.
He is such a happy, easy going little guy. I have no idea what I did to deserve this, but I feel very blessed most days :)
And here's the video. It's sideways and very short; taken on my phone at my mom's house. He loves baths, and once we started running the water for this one he basically couldn't be kept out of the kitchen. He very much enjoys getting water everywhere, and cries when they're over. Very fun :)